Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vegas & LA (Day 15) - Travel day

Today is our last day away :( Last night we didn't end up going to the Cathouse or shopping for MMA stuff as we ate at buffet and just wanted to rest after that. Yesterday we did find a designer store called ROSS. We loved it!! All discounted designer stuff... so ofcourse we did more shopping. I might post up some of our shopping.

It is now 9am. This will be my last post for this trip. We pick u pour hire car at 11am. We check out at midday. We will probably go to the pool & do some more shopping before we leave Vegas.

The drive to LA we have dome before. So not many pics. We will stop at DFO at Primm again. Will have a look at stuff in GAP for Louise and have one last look for us too. We will drive to pick up our luggage that we left in LA, repack and leave.

Our flight leaves at 10:35pm. We will have to repack the bag that we left in LA. Hope we can fit everything in our four check in bags (we arrived with 2 to USA and one was completely empty!)

Anyways I had better go. I will try and upload some more pics as checkout is in a few hours and we still have to go for a swim. We packed last night. None of the hotels we have stayed at have scales anyewhere.

Looking forward to catching up with you all soon ... especially for the next trip to see everyone in Perth xxx

We just realised that checkout is 11am ... we won't be able to add pics today ... will be sure to update as soon as we arrive home ... will have to post up some of our shopping ... you would be amazed at all that we bought!!!

See u soon xxx

Monday, July 19, 2010

Vegas (Day 14) - Pool & Buffet

We woke up early and went to start an all day buffet. We ate breakfast at 8am, watched CSI channel for a few hours and then headed down to the pool.

It is now 1pm and we are watching another Law & Order while I catch up on the blog. We have planned to go to lunch soon, then to M&M world, lids and some more shopping down the strip.

We will then have another swim this afternoon, eat dinner and then go to the Cathouse tonight.

We have booked a car to drive back to LA. There was $100+ difference between car companies so it is always good to ring around. Budget was booked out so we will hire a car with Hertz. It's just a little car and will cost about $220 one way. A lot cheaper than flying but the drive is 4-5 hours but at least we get to shop :) :) and see some stuff on the way home.

We probably won't take many pics today as we are mainly doing things that we have already done. Oh yeah, Dale also wants to buy some more MMA stuff at the store in Luxor.

Going for lunch now ... will write again later xxx

CT & Vegas (Day 13) - Travel Day

Today was our last day in CT. We ate breakfast at Mary & George's and Mary made us food to take on the flight. The ham rolls were nice and the brownies were delicious.

We weighed our bags and we were happy they were both underweight so we were happy. We packed and then left for the airport. It was about an hour drive. We left the house at about 1pm and our flight was leaving at 3pm.

The flight to Las Vegas was about 8 hours. We were meant to have a 2 hour stop but with all the storms we didn't get to have a break, rather we had to go straight to the second flight. We walked past Californian pizza but we were so rushed that we couldn't even stop to buy one. Lucky we will be going to LA after vegas so will get one then.

We arrived in Vegas at 7:30pm, got a shuttle to the hotel and checked in. We were happy when the lady told us that our room had brand new beds and we were the first to sleep in them.

We are loving the 24\7 law n Order\CSI\Cold Case channel. So we watched that until I fell asleep at 10pm. Dale updated the blog with photos and watched TV until about 1am.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

CT (Day 12)

Today we had to get up early as we were getting a 2 hour train to CT (Connecticut).  We left the hotel at 7am and got breakfast (pizza of course), got trains to Grand Central (an AMAZING station - in lots of movies), waited for our train and then we arrived in CT at 11am.

Mary met us at the station and George drove us to New Moon for lunch.  The meals are so big there that we shared a pressed sandwich. We had a ham and cheese toasted foccacia. It was YUM. It was served with a side of cold pasta.

We then went to their son's Law Firm. The building looked like a traditional old American building. He had a convertible Corvette and we loved it. Jimmy said we could drive it later on. We walked around the office and then left as Jimmy was busy working - it was a Saturday and he does lots of hours. He owns the firm and has 20 employees and about 7 of them are other lawyers.

We then stopped at Walmart. Dale and I were so amazed that we took photos. Dale got asked by one of the shop assistants why he was taking photos. She couldn't understand why and was a bit worried. Dale just said he was a tourist and never seen a place like it.

Walmart is best described as a pharmacy, supermarket, Kmart and Big W all in one. We couldn't believe all the stuff you could buy in the one place. AND it is open 24 hours. They have more places in USA that are open 24 hours.

After that we went to stop and shop as some things were cheaper and better to get at stop & shop. We bought heaps of fresh fruit. We were missing home cooked and fresh food. We dropped off the groceries and our luggage at Mary and George's house and their headed to a lookout at the top of a tower. We got to see where Mary grew up and learn about where May and George met etc. We passed two of Mary's houses that she had lived in when she was younger.

From there we went to winery. It was nice up there. You can take whatever food you want there, you just have to buy all your drinks there. It was very nice. George bought mum & dad a bottle of wine there.

We then went to Jimmy's house for a swim.We shared stories about Australia and how things are so different at home. They call rasberry cordial - rasberry lemonade! Mary & George's son Jimmy, his wife Mary-Beth and 3 kids Jamie, Allie & Kirston live there. We didn't get to meet Kirston as she was still at a party.

Allie and Jimmy showed us how to play lecrosse. Allie showed us some tricks. We then played basketball with Allie and Jimmy in the pool.

After swimming Dale drove the Corvette. Dale had sooooo much fun driving Jimmy's convertible corvette - it was a convertable and for sale.  I am loving the hot weather here - it has not been under about 33 deg since the whole time we have been in America.

Stevie is in Florida & Austin's in Florida for a sailing camp for two weeks and then he goes to California for a week. Joanne leaves for Italy in a few days and will be there for a week. After the pool we went to dinner at a steakhouse. The don't put gravy on steaks and I found that really weird. They just use BBQ sauce etc. But even then they rarely use sauce as they think that it spoils the taste of the meat.

We then returned to the house, ate ice cream, watched TV and then went to bed. It was only about 10am but we had not had much sleep the night before - only about 3 hours.

Before we left NYC we decided that we would go back to Vegas as we liked it so much there. Mary and George wish that we could stay longer. It was good that we got to see them again anyways.

Friday, July 16, 2010

NYC (Day 11)

We spent part of this morning planning the next few days and chatting to Mary & Lynn on the phone. We booked flights, planned to see Lynn later on tonight and Mary and George in the morning.

We ate pizza for lunch at about 1pm- Ray's Pizza & then headed for the big aircraft carrier.

We looked around the ship and saw the fastest plane ever built a black Lockheed A12 ...  we also got to go on the Concorde another quick plane - that one could go from London to NYC in 3 hours and 8 minutes.

It was such a hot day so Dale tried to push me in the water fountain - again ... lol he didnt get me in :) :) but I manged to get a kid to fill by glass in the fountain - while Dale was holding me and trying to push me in ... and then I wet dale with that!!

We then went to the World Trade Centre. We got to see the plans for the memorial site that are planning and we also got to see the site they are building the new World Trade Centre buildings and the memorial park.

After that, we headed back to the hotel and rang Lynn. At this stage it was about 7pm. We met Lynn and Ross at the front of Central Park at 8pm. While we were waiting, we watched a guy spray painting pictures onto cardboard.

It was great that Ross managed to make it out to see us as he had not slept for about 24hours as he had just landed from a flight. We walked around Central Park for about 2.5 hours and I got to catch up with all the great stories Lynn had to tell me about the baby on the way and just NYC. It was great to catch up with them & I am looking forward to seeing the baby and having them all come back to Australia.

After we said bye to Lynn (Ross didn't make the whole trip around the park - as he was tired) ... it was about 10:30 so Dale and I headed back to the hotel and got a takeaway pizza to eat at the Hotel.

Before we did that we went to a hug supermarket! We wanted to buy things, but as they were closing the lines were HUGE and we only had 3 items. So we just bought drinks and things at another store.

We got pizza and ate it back at the room. I then edited my MISS R banner for Louise, surfed the net and write this blog. It is now just after 1:30am and I am signing off. I am going to watch some TV and then go to sleep. We have to still book our train tickets to go to Mary's house. We will probably leave on a train at the main station, so will have to be packed and out of the hotel by 8am. Looks like another night of lack of sleep!!

I will try and get pics up asap. We have just been so busy and it is hard finding time to sleep let alone post pics too. After Mary's house we will be going back to Vegas coz we loved it so much. We want to laze by the pool and eat buffet. So when we go there, we will have a lot less of a busy schedule as we did all that we really wanted to do when we were there last ...

:) :) :) :)  PS the times on this blog are for some reason not the same as the time I am posting .. I think the dates are mostly right ... in NYC it is Friday

NYC (Day 10)

This was a busy day. The Internet access was crappy here so we have decided to check out into a new hotel. We also called Mary & George. It was hard to tell them what we were doing as we didn't really know ourselves - we like to wing our holidays.

We surfed the Net and found a new hotel to stay at down the road - Park Central. The foyer was nice BUT so were the rooms. Very spacious... Dale knew it would be a bigger room as it had a desk. The only thing was that we had to pay for the Internet. We decided to go without the net for a day - well we actually used it in the Apple store and then bought the net access on our second day. Bigger room .. that was a bit cheaper BONUS! Still it was costing us about $250.

We left our bags in the room and decided to go for a little walk around.

We were actually heading for the Circle Line tours that Mary had recommended - but we kept getting sidetracked by the shops.

We stopped at the M&M World (WHERE I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE), ToysRus, Hershey's, CBS (that does CSI, The Big Bang, NCIS, How I met your mother etc) and a few other places. I went to a nice cupcake shop and bought a bluberry muffin .. YUM

I got pizza again YUM! We tried to book tickets for the David Letterman Show, but there was none on the days the we would be here :(

We then booked a 3 hour Cruise. We bought the tickets at 2pm and had a bit of time to wait until we had to line up. We ate the most basic hamburgers - meat, lettuce and tomato. We had to add our own sauce. We also got a cup that gave us free unlimited refills both on the boat and the hut just outside. We refilled while we ate and watched all the kids playing in the water fountain. I was lucky there was a kid that kept wetting me with his water pistol ... it was so hot. Dale tried to push me in .. but luckily I didn't get wet.

We then lined up for the cruise. It was so HOT. We were at the front of the line so we got to pick where we wanted to sit. We chose to sit outside at the back of the boat. The views were better there as there was no roof. It was a relaxing cruise and we got to see a lot of the city and a lot of very famous landmarks.

After the cruise it was about 7:30pm and by the time we got off and got a bus it was about 8pm. We headed towards Little Italy for dinner. The food there was really nice. I had Brushetta, fettuchini bolognase and dale had garlic bread and lasagna. The place we ate at was really nice. They worked out the tip for us already on the bill -17% We are starting to work out how much to tip and what to tip for.

After dinner we walked around Times Square. The lights and the city was buzzing - not as much as it does in Vegas or Tokyo, but still very busy.

As we got closer to the Empire State Building we saw statues of a fashion parade that is just in the city for a short time.

We then arrived at the Empire State Building. We got there at about 11:30 and by the time we went up, looked around and then left, it was about 1am. The views were amazing. It is much quicker to take the stairs rather than the lift for part of the trip up. We did that and it saved heaps of time.

Despite it being very early in the morning we stopped at the Apple Store that is open 24\7. On our way we walked past Central Park - it looked very dark and not very safe to walk during the dark.

We surfed the net at the Apple Store and then walked back to the hotel.

A very busy day. It was about 3-4am by the time we got to bed.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Las Vegas\NYC (Day 9)

Today was mainly a day of travel and lots of sleep. We left Vegas really early this morning. We still had the hire car so we left the hotel at about 5:30am & returned the car to the airport.

We checked in and out total weight we checked in was about 3kgs under the limit. The Sketches weighed at least 1.5kg each!! So the shoes went into my carry-on luggage.

The flight was 4 hours and 10mins (plus some) and we were lucky to get seats together as when we booked, the only 2 seats we could get were not together - so we moved once the plane took off. Dale was very unlucky to sit next to a really fat lady. He played muscle wars and won - when she had moved he put his arm in a spot in his space that she had previously been ... and just kept it there for the remainder of the trip. We slept most of the flight. The plane was delayed on tarmac and lots of people missed their connecting flights. We were lucky we had nowhere we had to rush to. People were very annoyed.

When navigated ourselves to the hotel. There is great subway transport here. The streets are very confusing atm, not really used to it .. the way they write their addresses. We stopped for NYC pizza and chicken burger, and buffalo wings. They are right ... the pizza here is the best in the world. It's like the best of American pizza (all the toppings), mixed with the best of the Italian pizza (big and firly thin base) BUT with a crusty base - the ones in LA didn't have the crunchy base. YUM YUM

We checked into out $400 a night shoebox. The foyer area was really nice, but the room was as small, if not smaller than staying in the F1 ... much different to our place we had the night before in Vegas.

By the time we got to the hotel, with the delays and time difference (3 hours ahead in NYC) it ended up being about 8:30-9pm by the time we got up to our room. We watched some TV and slept for about 12 hours!!!

Las Vegas (Day 8) - Pool & Shopping

We ventured out for a swim in the hotel pool this morning at about 11am. It was so nice - very hot though. We stayed for about 1.5 hours and then decided to get a buffet lunch. We got all you can eat all day for $30US each. We mainly ate Chinese and Pizza.

After lunch we hired a car and drove back to the DFO that we had passed on our way in... about 30 mins away. We tried the DFO in Vegas, but that was no where near as cheap and didn't have as much things that we liked. When we got to the DFO that we liked we bought 3 pairs of jeans each at Lee (about $20 per pair!) and Dale bought a heap of stuff at Polo Ralf Lauren. We bought some other clothes as well. We shopped there from about 2pm - 7pm.

After shopping we went back to our hotel for buffet dinner. At this stage it was about 9pm. We then went down to Fremont street in Downtown Vegas. It was very cool. The roof was full of LED lights and I think the biggest TV in the world was there. The light show included a few songs from Queen. It was like being in a concert. There was also free live band and they were very good. The area was very ruff and nowhere near as nice or busy as the main strip where we were staying. We didn't stay long.

We returned to the strip and drove down it. We stopped to buy another suitcase as we have bought too much!! We filled a whole suitcase in Hollyood (and put it into storage, and now have filled a whole suitcase in Vegas). Hopefully we don't shop too much in NYC as I think we have definately reached our quota in luggage. The hotel amazingly has nowhere to weigh bags, so we will find out when we get to the airport. Looks like we will be returning home with 4 suitcases and 2 carry on bags. We can buy more when we get to LA but looks like we wont be able to get much in NYC.

When we got back to the hotel it was almost midnight. I got my henna tattoo touched up and we packed our bags. It is now almost 2am and we have to get a flight that leaves at 7am. We will return the hire car in the morning too. This means another night of no sleep ... if i'm lucky I will get about 3.5 hours! At least the flight to NYC is about 5 hours so I will be taking that opportunity to sleep... if I can stop myself watching the movies and playing the games.

We loved Vegas and it is a great place to party. So much to do and see. Amazingly we didn't play the pokies once!! We had planned to have a go before we got here, but we just didn't have time! The fascination for us to play isn't as much as the Americans as it is legal at home. I think if you make things illegal, it just makes people wanna do it even more.

Las Vegas (Day 7) - Titanic, Bones, Grand Canyon & Henna

Today was and early start as we had a busy day planned. We decided to stay local to the hotel as we had a Grand Canyon Helicopter flight booked at 4pm.

We started with a visit to the Titanic Exhibition. It was FANTASTIC! The titanic was recreated in rooms and there were lots of genuine artifacts. The biggest piece of ship recovered was ther and will be stored there for 10 years. Unfortunately we were unable to take photos, but we managed to buy some actual coal at the end of the exhibition.

We then went shopping ... and bought a whole lot more stuff from the shops in the hotel mainly of MMA stuff.

After shopping we went to the Bones Exhibit. Like the Titanic one, we were also unable to take photos. That was also really cool. It was entirely made of REAL bodies that were preserved. For all the smokers out there ... a great exhibit as you could tell the people that had smoked due to the BLACK lungs. Even pple that were not heavy smokers during their lives, had black lungs. We got to see all parts of human bodies including a number of fetus that had died during various stages of pregnancy.

We then ate lunch at the hotel and Dale bought a HUGE cocktail in a massive plastic beer bottle - 67oz. We had tried to both get through it, but had to toss the drink just before our flight which was later in the day.

After that we met the bus outside our hotel and were taken to Boulder City Airstrip. We caught a helicopter and went on a flight for about an hour. We flew over and between the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and of course the Grand Canyon. It was MASSIVE and a great experience.

When we got back to the hotel, we decided to go down the strip. Just before we left the hotel I got a henna tattoo of a scorpion on my wrist and dale got a water massage.

When we got to see some of the night time entertainment - Volcano, Pirate Ship and the Water show. We did lots more shopping and then headed back to our hotel at about 3am. The strip just goes and goes all night ... including the shopping. It's amazing and just like one big party all night.