Sunday, July 11, 2010

Las Vegas (Day 5) - Road Trip

We didn’t get much sleep – another late night with an early start. There is so much to do here at night and the shops are open until really late – a bit like the Gold Coast.

We returned the rental car (red) Jazz that we had for the past 2 days. We then went to shop on Hollywood Blvd. We just shopped in Hollywoodland. It is such a GREAT shop! We bought a whole bag of stuff! We then went to Budget to pick up the new rental car – that we could drive one way to Las Vegas. It is a Nissan ☺.

We then returned to the hotel, packed our bags and checked out at 11am. Our first stop was breakfast – burgers of course! Then we stopped to drop off one of our bags of luggage. I still can’t believe that we have one WHOLE bag full of things that we have bought! Once that was dropped off we started along the freeway to Las Vegas.

I am writing this blog on our way to save time later. I am excited about the hot weather, but we will need to be careful not to get too sunburnt especially since we have got a little bit burnt each day we have been here – and the weather was only around 22 deg.

Vegas will be 40deg!!! There will be a lot of relaxing by the pool I think! The room rental is cheap atm due to GFC. We are only paying $40 plus taxes. Compared to our $200 per night in Hollywood – it is very cheap.

We are also looking forward to NYC. We have both heard LOTS of positive things about NYC and don’t know anyone that hasn’t liked it. We have friends that have travelled all around the world and say that is their most favourite city in the world. Can’t wait!

The road trip was good. It is sooo HOT though! Think we will be spending our days by the pool and our nights out. We stopped to fill up with fuel or as they would say ‘gasoline’. You have to pay BEFORE you fill up here and you have to show ID when paying by credit card. The fraud is quite high here. They even have markers to check if notes are fraudulent or not. At the fuel stop I was so amazed at how hot it was. I picked up some brochures to read about Las Vegas and to find out what to do there. We know that we want to go to Grand Canyon.

After a while (40 miles from the Strip) we came into civilisation, where we found a DFO. We shopped for 3 hours and got some food. We will go back as we didn’t get to finish shopping. Just before the shops closed we found a place that sells Lee jeans for $20 and under! We walked out with lots of clothes and a new pair of sunnies each.

We then arrived and checked out the hotel. It is soooo BIG it is like a mini city here. We could stay here the whole time and not even leave. It is shaped like a pyramid. There are shows, night clubs etc inside and heaps to do. It is called Luxor.

After checking in we decided to return the hire car we got from LA. We dropped it off at the airport at midnight and then spent an hour walking back to our hotel. 

 As I went to sit down on a big rock, there was a dog or coyote that came out of the bushes. It was pretty scary being face to face with a wild dog!!! After we go the photo with the cactus, I decided not to venture into the bushes again during the night.

During the walk we stopped for a HUGE slurpie and we also stopped to get a photo with cactus.

It is so hot here that it is 40 deg even during the early hours of the morning. We finally went to sleep around 3:30am.

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