Tuesday, July 6, 2010

LA - Hollywood (Day 1)

We landed in LA safely at 9am LA time. We have been out all day and we are finally tired as this will be our first proper sleep. Other than small naps on the plane, we have been up and out for 31 hours.
The plane trip was ok - 14 hours of watching movies, TV and playing games. The food was ok & we flew with Delta. When we arrived, it was pretty cold and looked like it had been raining - not good since we only packed for weather over 20 deg (& we were wearning our only warmish outfit). Oh I am trying to get used to converting everything to US$, gallons, miles etc. Security around and in the airport was very strict.
Upon leaving the airport we then shared a minibus to the hotel. It was pretty cheap considering the trip was 40mins. We managed to check in a few hours early, dump our bags in the room and then head out.

We bought Maccas 4 lunch coz it was the closest and the easiest option. We walked up and down the main street. We then went to Madam Tussauds. It was great. There were some of the same stars as London, but many of the poses are different. I was happy coz I got 2 c angie again :) :)

After that, we went to Ripley's. Again many of these were similar to the one in QLD. It was still really good. We will have to go back and buy one of the books, as we forgot to before we left.

After Ripley's we walked around the main street, and checked out the Kodack Theatre (they had Jazz playing) & checked out the celebs signatures and handprints in the cement.

Whilst walking around, we noticed something wierd in the shop fronts, even the manequins have had boob jobs!!!

Dale spotted the Hollywood sign ... and for about 5 mins I thought he was trying to point out a Honda DC2 at the lights, and then after the lights changed and the Honda drove off, I then realised the Hollywood sign.

While walking around I was loving all the muscle cars & big 4WD.

We also stopped and looked at all the hand and footprints in the cement. There were literally heaps of them.

After walking around and shopping, we then bought some pizza and headed back to the hotel. We got all confused on when and how much to tip. We tipped the waiter that took our take away menu - but the American after us didn't. Does this mean no tips 4 takeway?? We will look it up on the net tomz. We have only eaten pizza and burgers since leaving Sydney.

We booked a tour tomorrow 9am - 4pm tomz for beaches, LA CITY, celebrity houses etc. It's nearly 9pm and still daylight here .. it's been a long 31 hours ... nite all!!

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