Monday, July 19, 2010

CT & Vegas (Day 13) - Travel Day

Today was our last day in CT. We ate breakfast at Mary & George's and Mary made us food to take on the flight. The ham rolls were nice and the brownies were delicious.

We weighed our bags and we were happy they were both underweight so we were happy. We packed and then left for the airport. It was about an hour drive. We left the house at about 1pm and our flight was leaving at 3pm.

The flight to Las Vegas was about 8 hours. We were meant to have a 2 hour stop but with all the storms we didn't get to have a break, rather we had to go straight to the second flight. We walked past Californian pizza but we were so rushed that we couldn't even stop to buy one. Lucky we will be going to LA after vegas so will get one then.

We arrived in Vegas at 7:30pm, got a shuttle to the hotel and checked in. We were happy when the lady told us that our room had brand new beds and we were the first to sleep in them.

We are loving the 24\7 law n Order\CSI\Cold Case channel. So we watched that until I fell asleep at 10pm. Dale updated the blog with photos and watched TV until about 1am.

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