Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Las Vegas\NYC (Day 9)

Today was mainly a day of travel and lots of sleep. We left Vegas really early this morning. We still had the hire car so we left the hotel at about 5:30am & returned the car to the airport.

We checked in and out total weight we checked in was about 3kgs under the limit. The Sketches weighed at least 1.5kg each!! So the shoes went into my carry-on luggage.

The flight was 4 hours and 10mins (plus some) and we were lucky to get seats together as when we booked, the only 2 seats we could get were not together - so we moved once the plane took off. Dale was very unlucky to sit next to a really fat lady. He played muscle wars and won - when she had moved he put his arm in a spot in his space that she had previously been ... and just kept it there for the remainder of the trip. We slept most of the flight. The plane was delayed on tarmac and lots of people missed their connecting flights. We were lucky we had nowhere we had to rush to. People were very annoyed.

When navigated ourselves to the hotel. There is great subway transport here. The streets are very confusing atm, not really used to it .. the way they write their addresses. We stopped for NYC pizza and chicken burger, and buffalo wings. They are right ... the pizza here is the best in the world. It's like the best of American pizza (all the toppings), mixed with the best of the Italian pizza (big and firly thin base) BUT with a crusty base - the ones in LA didn't have the crunchy base. YUM YUM

We checked into out $400 a night shoebox. The foyer area was really nice, but the room was as small, if not smaller than staying in the F1 ... much different to our place we had the night before in Vegas.

By the time we got to the hotel, with the delays and time difference (3 hours ahead in NYC) it ended up being about 8:30-9pm by the time we got up to our room. We watched some TV and slept for about 12 hours!!!

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