Monday, July 5, 2010

Last day at home

It is our last night at home before we leave. It has been a busy week prior to us leaving. We were both busy with work as well as finalising MISS R before it leaves for Perth. It now has a black engine bay :) We only booked our accomodation in the last week. I was so excited as we will be staying near the Hollywood sign. Every morning while watching Sunrise, I watched Nelson Aspen reporting from Hollywood and kept saying to Dale .. we will be there in a week :) :)

Today we also did the final preparations - exchanged $$, got our international drivers lic, got travel insurance & did some final shopping. We had to get a new camera as the last one we had kept breaking.

It has been a busy week. We are excited about having a well earnt break overseas and getting to spend time together. We think that we have under packed but intend to buy things over there.

I am excited most about Ripleys, staying in Hollywood, going to Vegas eating pizza in NYC and MOST of all spending time with Dale & enjoying the HOT weather. We have been checking out the weather for the last week and it seems to be between 22-40 deg ... oh yeah I have to get used to the temp being measured in F ... It better be HOT as I have not packed for cooler weather.

I am going to try not to put on weight while away, but from all the stories I have heard, it is hard not to! I am sure we will do HEAPS of walking and should be fine ... lolz we didn't put on weight from eating maccas daily in Japan ... maybe all the walking evens it all out.

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