Friday, July 16, 2010

NYC (Day 10)

This was a busy day. The Internet access was crappy here so we have decided to check out into a new hotel. We also called Mary & George. It was hard to tell them what we were doing as we didn't really know ourselves - we like to wing our holidays.

We surfed the Net and found a new hotel to stay at down the road - Park Central. The foyer was nice BUT so were the rooms. Very spacious... Dale knew it would be a bigger room as it had a desk. The only thing was that we had to pay for the Internet. We decided to go without the net for a day - well we actually used it in the Apple store and then bought the net access on our second day. Bigger room .. that was a bit cheaper BONUS! Still it was costing us about $250.

We left our bags in the room and decided to go for a little walk around.

We were actually heading for the Circle Line tours that Mary had recommended - but we kept getting sidetracked by the shops.

We stopped at the M&M World (WHERE I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE), ToysRus, Hershey's, CBS (that does CSI, The Big Bang, NCIS, How I met your mother etc) and a few other places. I went to a nice cupcake shop and bought a bluberry muffin .. YUM

I got pizza again YUM! We tried to book tickets for the David Letterman Show, but there was none on the days the we would be here :(

We then booked a 3 hour Cruise. We bought the tickets at 2pm and had a bit of time to wait until we had to line up. We ate the most basic hamburgers - meat, lettuce and tomato. We had to add our own sauce. We also got a cup that gave us free unlimited refills both on the boat and the hut just outside. We refilled while we ate and watched all the kids playing in the water fountain. I was lucky there was a kid that kept wetting me with his water pistol ... it was so hot. Dale tried to push me in .. but luckily I didn't get wet.

We then lined up for the cruise. It was so HOT. We were at the front of the line so we got to pick where we wanted to sit. We chose to sit outside at the back of the boat. The views were better there as there was no roof. It was a relaxing cruise and we got to see a lot of the city and a lot of very famous landmarks.

After the cruise it was about 7:30pm and by the time we got off and got a bus it was about 8pm. We headed towards Little Italy for dinner. The food there was really nice. I had Brushetta, fettuchini bolognase and dale had garlic bread and lasagna. The place we ate at was really nice. They worked out the tip for us already on the bill -17% We are starting to work out how much to tip and what to tip for.

After dinner we walked around Times Square. The lights and the city was buzzing - not as much as it does in Vegas or Tokyo, but still very busy.

As we got closer to the Empire State Building we saw statues of a fashion parade that is just in the city for a short time.

We then arrived at the Empire State Building. We got there at about 11:30 and by the time we went up, looked around and then left, it was about 1am. The views were amazing. It is much quicker to take the stairs rather than the lift for part of the trip up. We did that and it saved heaps of time.

Despite it being very early in the morning we stopped at the Apple Store that is open 24\7. On our way we walked past Central Park - it looked very dark and not very safe to walk during the dark.

We surfed the net at the Apple Store and then walked back to the hotel.

A very busy day. It was about 3-4am by the time we got to bed.

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