Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Las Vegas (Day 8) - Pool & Shopping

We ventured out for a swim in the hotel pool this morning at about 11am. It was so nice - very hot though. We stayed for about 1.5 hours and then decided to get a buffet lunch. We got all you can eat all day for $30US each. We mainly ate Chinese and Pizza.

After lunch we hired a car and drove back to the DFO that we had passed on our way in... about 30 mins away. We tried the DFO in Vegas, but that was no where near as cheap and didn't have as much things that we liked. When we got to the DFO that we liked we bought 3 pairs of jeans each at Lee (about $20 per pair!) and Dale bought a heap of stuff at Polo Ralf Lauren. We bought some other clothes as well. We shopped there from about 2pm - 7pm.

After shopping we went back to our hotel for buffet dinner. At this stage it was about 9pm. We then went down to Fremont street in Downtown Vegas. It was very cool. The roof was full of LED lights and I think the biggest TV in the world was there. The light show included a few songs from Queen. It was like being in a concert. There was also free live band and they were very good. The area was very ruff and nowhere near as nice or busy as the main strip where we were staying. We didn't stay long.

We returned to the strip and drove down it. We stopped to buy another suitcase as we have bought too much!! We filled a whole suitcase in Hollyood (and put it into storage, and now have filled a whole suitcase in Vegas). Hopefully we don't shop too much in NYC as I think we have definately reached our quota in luggage. The hotel amazingly has nowhere to weigh bags, so we will find out when we get to the airport. Looks like we will be returning home with 4 suitcases and 2 carry on bags. We can buy more when we get to LA but looks like we wont be able to get much in NYC.

When we got back to the hotel it was almost midnight. I got my henna tattoo touched up and we packed our bags. It is now almost 2am and we have to get a flight that leaves at 7am. We will return the hire car in the morning too. This means another night of no sleep ... if i'm lucky I will get about 3.5 hours! At least the flight to NYC is about 5 hours so I will be taking that opportunity to sleep... if I can stop myself watching the movies and playing the games.

We loved Vegas and it is a great place to party. So much to do and see. Amazingly we didn't play the pokies once!! We had planned to have a go before we got here, but we just didn't have time! The fascination for us to play isn't as much as the Americans as it is legal at home. I think if you make things illegal, it just makes people wanna do it even more.

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