Saturday, July 17, 2010

CT (Day 12)

Today we had to get up early as we were getting a 2 hour train to CT (Connecticut).  We left the hotel at 7am and got breakfast (pizza of course), got trains to Grand Central (an AMAZING station - in lots of movies), waited for our train and then we arrived in CT at 11am.

Mary met us at the station and George drove us to New Moon for lunch.  The meals are so big there that we shared a pressed sandwich. We had a ham and cheese toasted foccacia. It was YUM. It was served with a side of cold pasta.

We then went to their son's Law Firm. The building looked like a traditional old American building. He had a convertible Corvette and we loved it. Jimmy said we could drive it later on. We walked around the office and then left as Jimmy was busy working - it was a Saturday and he does lots of hours. He owns the firm and has 20 employees and about 7 of them are other lawyers.

We then stopped at Walmart. Dale and I were so amazed that we took photos. Dale got asked by one of the shop assistants why he was taking photos. She couldn't understand why and was a bit worried. Dale just said he was a tourist and never seen a place like it.

Walmart is best described as a pharmacy, supermarket, Kmart and Big W all in one. We couldn't believe all the stuff you could buy in the one place. AND it is open 24 hours. They have more places in USA that are open 24 hours.

After that we went to stop and shop as some things were cheaper and better to get at stop & shop. We bought heaps of fresh fruit. We were missing home cooked and fresh food. We dropped off the groceries and our luggage at Mary and George's house and their headed to a lookout at the top of a tower. We got to see where Mary grew up and learn about where May and George met etc. We passed two of Mary's houses that she had lived in when she was younger.

From there we went to winery. It was nice up there. You can take whatever food you want there, you just have to buy all your drinks there. It was very nice. George bought mum & dad a bottle of wine there.

We then went to Jimmy's house for a swim.We shared stories about Australia and how things are so different at home. They call rasberry cordial - rasberry lemonade! Mary & George's son Jimmy, his wife Mary-Beth and 3 kids Jamie, Allie & Kirston live there. We didn't get to meet Kirston as she was still at a party.

Allie and Jimmy showed us how to play lecrosse. Allie showed us some tricks. We then played basketball with Allie and Jimmy in the pool.

After swimming Dale drove the Corvette. Dale had sooooo much fun driving Jimmy's convertible corvette - it was a convertable and for sale.  I am loving the hot weather here - it has not been under about 33 deg since the whole time we have been in America.

Stevie is in Florida & Austin's in Florida for a sailing camp for two weeks and then he goes to California for a week. Joanne leaves for Italy in a few days and will be there for a week. After the pool we went to dinner at a steakhouse. The don't put gravy on steaks and I found that really weird. They just use BBQ sauce etc. But even then they rarely use sauce as they think that it spoils the taste of the meat.

We then returned to the house, ate ice cream, watched TV and then went to bed. It was only about 10am but we had not had much sleep the night before - only about 3 hours.

Before we left NYC we decided that we would go back to Vegas as we liked it so much there. Mary and George wish that we could stay longer. It was good that we got to see them again anyways.

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