Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hollywood (Day 4) - Universal Studios & Dodgers

Today we went to Universal Studios. When we got there we went down citywalk and looked at the shops. It looked like it would be a great place to visit at night. Last night we were too wet from the rides to come down and tonight we are going to the Dogers Baseball game & tom we will be in Vegas. We bought our Dodgers tickets at their store and then headed into Universal Studios main entry.

We got the VIP ‘Front of the Line’ passes which meant that we didn’t ever have to wait in any lines – like yesterday, defiantly worth the extra money!

Our first stop was the Universal Studios Studio Tour (or the beer stand for Dale).

My favourite part was when we got to see ‘The Fast & Furious’ cars We also got to see how they did some of the stunts for the move. It was awesome!

The other REALLY awesome part of the tour was when we got to see King Kong 360 3D. We also got to go past many studios including the one that CSI is filmed in. We learnt about the stage sets and that the bricks are actually foam and that most sets only have a front wall and a small part of the side.

We saw lots of special effects and got to go on the set of war of the worlds. The set had an actual full sized (but damaged) Boeing 747 that only cost $60K to buy but $200k to transport Universal Studios.

After the Studio Tour, we went to a water ride and got drenched (again)! We then went on the Mummy ride. It was an indoor roller coaster but we didn’t know that it was a roller coaster. One minute we are cruising in the dark with a whole lot of mummies and cool stuff, until all of a sudden there was a huge drop and the roller coaster ride started! It was in pitch darkness and it caught us totally unawares! Dale bought a photo that was taken, just as the roller coaster dropped.

There was a whole lot of other rides we went on that we had no idea what they were until we got on them. The Simpsons ride was also very unexpected. A 3D 360 virtual roller coaster. We defiantly have had a lot of roller coasters for the past few days!

We did some shopping inside Universal Studios and then when we left we shopped along the city walk. We are still living on burgers and pizza – but at least as we left today we bought Subway. The defiantly know how to make burgers and pizza here … YUM! Lucky we are doing a lot of walking.

My most favourite thing I bought today was ET sleeping on a star! We sold our ‘First in Line’ tickets to another couple for $20 … considering they cost us $140 they got a good deal! I was just going to give them away, but they kept asking me what I wanted for them. Americans don’t seem to understand that a total stranger would do something when there is nothing in it for them! So I just took $10 per ticket.

It was 6pm so we got in the car and headed for Dodgers Stadium. The traffic wasn’t too bad. It was fun watching the game, even though it took a while to work out. It took the whole game to work out what the ‘R’ stood for on the board. The LA Dodgers played the Chicago Cubs. The Dodgers ended up winning. The last pitcher that came on was awesome and got everyone out so easily. It was fun learning about a new game and getting to watch it live. I knew a bit about baseball before the game, but afterwards I knew so much more. It was an experience.

They bring around all sorts of food, so you don’t even have to leave your seat – nuts, ice cream, pizza, chips drinks etc. At the end of the night there was soooooo much mess on the floor, especially from the nut shells – I was amazed that they could just dump rubbish like that!

As we were leaving Dale stopped at the store and he bought a Dodgers jacket that is really warm.

We got some photos in the car park of Downtown LA before we left. By the time we got back to the hotel it was Midnight. We had to work out what we were going to do with ALL our shopping we have done so far. We are allowed to take 4 bags of luggage home from LA on the international flights, but for all our domestic flights, we can only take two. We found a place that stores bags. We filled one WHOLE suitcase – well actually all our shopping couldn’t even fit into ONE bag, but we put in as much as we could fit. We decided that we would leave it in storage until we fly home. The storage place will even bring it to the terminal when we leave. I just can’t believe we have already filled a suitcase full of stuff we have bought. It is only Friday and we only got here on Tuesday! We will now have to buy some more bags for our luggage.

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