Sunday, July 11, 2010

Las Vegas (Day 6) - MMA shopping & CSI

We ended up sleeping in until 11am today. Our first stop was the CSI investigation. We spent about 1.5 hours in a centre where you can solve crimes. It wasn't very hard to solve - maybe it is just that we watch too much CSI. Dale bought a CSI shirt and then we decided to head towards Hooters as we had seen that they sold MMA clothing (but was closed when we passed it yesterday).

On our way to Hooters we walked through MGM Grand and bought a whole heap of UFC stuff in one of their stores (UFC fights are held there). It was awesome. We then went to the store in Hooters. We bought a shirt each there - but they had no where as much as the MGM Grand. We are now on the lookout for more MMA merchandise - so much more here than in Sydney.

After shopping we bought a LARGE Maccas thickshake and returned to our hotel and tried to book the Boyz II Men concert. It was already booked out for tonight. We booked a Grand Canyon Helicopter tour for tomorrow at 4pm and then I watch some TV while Dale booked our flights to NYC. Today is Sunday and we will fly to NYC on Wednesday.

Dale is now reading his new MMA book. We will head up to the hotel pool soon as it is now 7:30pm but still warm. At least I will be able to relax in the heat without getting sunburnt and the pool looks great at night. We also have tickets to see the Titanic artifacts and also a Scientific Bodies display (with real bodies). We may also go for a walk down the strip as there is lots of live free stuff to see.

Oh yeah there is even a wedding chapel in our hotel! They are also really big on coupons here. Also it is wierd that there is no dress code in the hotels\casinos. There are even girls walking around in bikinis! Noone asks for ID and things are open 24\7. Its great to be able to go out to really fancy places and not even have to dress up. Thongs are even ok! The pool is open really late - it could even be 24 hours.

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